We’ve got you covered! Your questions are answered here! The most popular questions are below:
There is no fee/cost to attend. This conference is completely FREE!
The conference is at the: ROCKVIEW HOTEL, OWERRI, IMO STATE
The conference is Saturday, November 23rd, 2024. The red carpet begins at 8 am. The main event starts at 9 am, but you probably want to be there early!
Check out this page to find out: Featured Guests
Yes, for now, you can follow our Facebook page: F.L.E. Conference
For any questions or concerns, please email us at thefleglobal@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest in supporting F.L.E. Our donation information is here: Donate
M.A.F. stands for the Miracle Anyanwu Foundation, the official sponsor for the FLE Conference. M.A.F. is a non-profit organization based in Nigeria, with the primary purpose of helping and supporting the widows, widowers, orphans and the youth in Nigeria and beyond. You can find out more about M.A. F. here: Our website
The conveners of this conference are Dr. Pastor Miracle & Pastor Grace Anyanwu. You can find out more about them here: Our website
Yes! We will call for volunteers soon. Stay connected to our Facebook page and stay tuned.